GET OUT AND HOOP: Ontario Announces New Roadmap to Reopen

Great news for basketball fans and recreational athletes across this province came from the Ontario Government this week that outdoor amenities may officially reopen as of Saturday, May 22nd, with new guidelines on the steps ahead for reopening sports and recreation.

Ontario Basketball encourages the basketball community to GET OUT AND HOOP!

In an effort to celebrate and share the outdoor courts in our communities, Ontario Basketball has launched the Outdoor Court Map, an interactive tool that will grow with community submissions to collect information on all the places you can go hoop at.

We need your help to complete the Outdoor Court Map so if you’ve got a court in your community send us the details and we’ll get it added to the map!

Via the Ontario Government’s announcement, “The new Roadmap to Reopen is a cautious three-step plan that will guide a safe and gradual reopening of the province and the lifting of public health measures based on the provincewide vaccination rate and improvements in key public health and health system indicators.”

The following COVID safety restrictions are in place via Rules for Areas in Stage 1:
(3) An outdoor recreational amenity described in subsection (2) may only open if,
(a) any person who enters or uses the amenity maintains a physical distance of at least two metres from any other person who is using the amenity;
(b) team sports are not practised or played within the amenity;
(c) other sports or games that are likely to result in individuals coming within two metres of each other are not practised or played within the amenity; and
(d) any locker rooms, change rooms, showers, clubhouses, restaurants, pools, meeting rooms, fitness centres or other recreational facilities on the premises remain closed, except to the extent they provide access to equipment storage, a washroom or a portion of the amenity that is used to provide first aid.










The Province will remain in each step for a minimum of 21 days with Step One beginning June 14, 2021 that will allow outdoor team sports training only with 10 participants and social distancing. Ontario Basketball will keep you updated as we move through the new Steps in the Roadmap to Reopening.