OSBA Athletes Featured in Red Bull Raw 100 video

Red Bull Features Three Ontario Athletes in Raw 100 Series

Red Bull’s Raw 100 Series is a video series designed to challenge filmmakers by highlighting their creativity. The goal is to create a 100-second video without the use of slow motion footage or music.

One of the recent video entries in this series addresses three reasons why Canada is becoming known as a source of top level basketball talent. The three reasons are: John Akende (TRC Academy), Antoine Vernon (Father Henry Carr) and Team Ontario alumnus Addison Patterson (Athlete Institute).

The video is accompanied by quotes from an interview with the three athletes. They discuss how Canada is continuously breeding NBA level talent, which decreases the need to attend high school south of the border. All three players remained in the province to compete in the Ontario Scholastic Basketball Association.

The entry was created by filmmaker Adrian Fenty. Visit the Red Bull Raw 100 Series website for the full article and video.