Free Webinar to Encourage and Support Women on Boards of Directors

Thinking about joining a Board of Directors? Even if you’ve never considered it before, join the Women on Boards webinar hosted by Ontario Basketball in partnership with the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity (CAAWS).

This free, one-hour webinar is designed to encourage and support women to pursue Board roles and offers strategies to navigate the challenges involved in accessing a Board position and then succeeding in the role, as well as ideas to create a personal leadership plan to take on a Board role.

Studies show that diverse Boards make better decisions and increase organizational performance, which means more women on sport Boards is good for sport and good for women.

The webinar will be facilitated by Rachel Bedingfield, Chair of WomenActive-Nova Scotia and Director of Parks and Recreation for the Town of Kentville.

Details are below.

Women on Boards Webinar

Date: Wednesday, March 21
Time: 12:00–1:00 p.m.
Cost: Free!

Register now.

Additional Resources

This webinar is supported by CAAWSWomen on Boards: A Guide to Getting Involved (.pdf). The guide demystifies the workings of Boards and strives to improve recruitment and retention of women as Board members by:

  • Describing why Boards need more women;
  • Providing advice on how to find a suitable Board to join and how to secure a position on it;
  • Providing straightforward descriptions of typical Board roles, terminology and processes; and
  • Identifying challenges that may be faced by women serving on Boards and proposing strategies for addressing them.


The Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity (CAAWS) is dedicated to creating an equitable and inclusive Canadian sport and physical activity system that empowers girls and women as active participants and leaders within and through sport. With a focus on systematic change, CAAWS partners with governments, organizations and leaders to challenge the status quo and to advance solutions that result in measurable change.