MLSE Foundation Community Action Grant

Apply Now for the MLSE Foundation Community Action Grant!

MLSE Foundation is now accepting applications for their annual Community Action Grant, which funds programming run by Ontario sport and recreation organizations that align with their four designated areas of impact. See below for more information about the program.

Are you a charitable sport or recreation organization serving youth, based within Ontario? Do you believe that healthy bodies and minds are essential for youth development? Is preparing youth for success at both school and work part of your sport program’s initiatives?

Granting up to $50,000 to Ontario-based organizations that are using sport and recreation to advance outcomes in physical health, mental health, academic achievement and work readiness to support youth in their communities. If so, you may be eligible for a MLSE Foundation Community Action Grant.

When applying for a Community Action Grant, you will be asked to explain how your proposed project aligns with one of our impact areas.

  • Healthy Body: A program that utilizes rugby to engage youth, while also having weekly workshops on physical health (nutrition, healthy choices etc.) would be a fitting example of this Impact Area
  • Healthy Mind: A program that utilizes yoga programming to engage youth struggling with mental health issues, or engaging youth in conversations around mental health, coping strategies and resources would be fitting for this Impact Area.
  • Ready for School: A program that utilizes soccer to engage youth in S.T.E.M. curriculum would be fitting for this Impact Area.
  • Ready for Work: A program that utilizes basketball to teach leadership skills that also provides workshops on resume building and career exploration would be fitting for this Impact Area.

Deadline for Expression of Interest: Friday, January 17, 2020

Deadline for Full Applications: Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Full program eligibility and guidelines, including how to submit your application, can be found on the MLSE Foundation website.

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