
This policy provides guidance for Ontario Basketball (OBA) employees, contractors, volunteers and members who contribute or reply to posts on social media. “Social media” should be understood in its broadest interpretation, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, blogs, electronic newsletters, online forums and other sites and services that permit users to share content with others in a concurrent manner. All communications should adhere to the brand guidelines and established online voice of OBA.

Ontario Basketball recognizes the importance of the Internet and social media in increasing our brand awareness and sharing information on our current and upcoming programs, shape industry conversation and direction through blogging and interaction in social. As such, Ontario Basketball is committed to supporting your right to interact knowledgeably and socially in the blogosphere and on the Internet through blogging and interaction in social media based on the policies set forth below.

The blogging and social media policy below will help you make appropriate decisions about your Ontario Basketball blogging and the contents of your blogs, personal web sites, postings on wikis and other interactive sites, postings on video or picture sharing sites, or in the comments that you make online on blogs, elsewhere on the public Internet, and in responding to comments from posters either publicly or via email. These guidelines will also help you open up a respectful, knowledgeable interaction with people on the Internet. They also protect the privacy, confidentiality, and interests of Ontario Basketball and our employees, contractors, volunteers and members.


The following principles apply to professional use of social media on behalf of Ontario Basketball as well as personal use of social media when referencing OBA or its employees, members, partners, sponsors or other stakeholders.

  • Employees should be aware of the effect their actions may have on Ontario Basketball’s image as well as their own. The information that employees or others post or publish may be public information for a long time and difficult to remove.
  • Employees should be aware that Ontario Basketball’s senior managers may observe content and information made available by employees through social media and blogs. Employees should use their best judgment in posting material to ensure that it is neither inappropriate nor harmful to Ontario Basketball or its employees, members, partners, sponsors or other stakeholders.
  • Although not an exclusive list, some specific examples of prohibited social media conduct include posting content, commentary or images that are proprietary, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, salacious, sexist, racist, harassing, or that can promote or create a hostile environment.
  • Employees or others are not to publish, post or release any information that is considered confidential, private or not public. If there are questions about what is considered confidential, employees should check with the Executive Director.
  • Employees should pay particular attention to the use of pictures and ensure you have the proper permissions to use them and no privacy issues occur. For example, using a picture of a child without their parents permission.
  • If employees encounter a situation while using social media that threatens to become antagonistic, employees should disengage from the dialogue in a polite manner and seek the advice of a manager or the Executive Director immediately.
  • While posts may be made by members of the communications team or agreed-upon members of the staff for different channels, final message approval and customer service responses through OBA’s social media channels should go through the Manager, Marketing & Communications.
  • Employees should get appropriate permission by the Manager, Marketing & Communications before referring to or posting images of current or former employees, members, participants, vendors, suppliers or others. Additionally, employees should get appropriate permission to use a third party’s copyrights, copyrighted material, trademarks, service marks or other intellectual property.
  • Ontario Basketball logos and trademarks may not be used without explicit permission in writing from the Manager, Marketing & Communications or the Executive Director. This is to prevent the appearance/perception that you speak for or represent us.
  • If employees publish content on personal social media accounts that involve work or subjects associated with Ontario Basketball, a disclaimer should be used, such as: “The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent Ontario Basketball’s positions, strategies or opinions.”
  • It is highly recommended that employees keep OBA-related social media accounts separate from personal accounts, if practical. Those with access to OBA social media accounts are not to share passwords or change login information credentials without the permission of the Manager, Marketing & Communications.
  • Subject to applicable law, personal online activity that violates Ontario Basketball’s Social Media Policy or any other company policy may subject an employee to disciplinary action, which may include termination.
  • When in doubt, don’t post. At the end of the day, the employee will be responsible for what they share through OBA social channels so exercise caution and common sense.

Working with Partners

Ontario Basketball works with Partners on a variety of social media initiatives throughout the year.  The Manager, Marketing and Communications and Executive Director should be engaged when establishing the social media initiatives.  This will ensure we are aligned to our commitments and contracts in place.

For one-off or singular promotional campaigns of brands or third-party properties, the OBA Rate Card shall be followed as the standard source of valuation of social media promotions.

For advertising and sponsored content where the brand is not an established partner of OBA and knowledge of the partnership is not inherent or explicit, OBA shall post the disclaimer label #Ad for interest in transparency to let followers know when OBA has been paid to post an endorsement through monetary or in-kind value.

Ontario Basketball may, within reason, support non-profit or community partners in good-faith social media promotions that align with OBA’s mission, vision and values. These may be used to strengthen relationships with the basketball community and promote future collaboration. Subject to the discretion of the Manager, Marketing & Communications and Executive Director.

OBA shall not promote third-party messaging that promotes training or competition opportunities that would be in direct conflict with programs that Ontario Basketball offers or may plan to offer, or which undermines paid promotions by OBA’s sponsors by giving away similar rights for free.

Ontario Basketball may use communication channels to share third-party announcements that celebrate accomplishments of and circulate opportunities for Ontario athletes and coaches in the broader basketball community. Post should not indicate endorsement of third-party and should explicitly state as such.

Should you require assistance or have a complaint, please contact the Manager, Marketing and Communications.

Reviewed October 20, 2021 by Ontario Basketball Board of Directors