Policy Statement
Ontario Basketball (OBA), through its Board of Directors, is committed to fostering mutual respect, equitable action and inclusion for each of its employees and members. This policy is intended to support inclusion, equal opportunities and a working environment free of discrimination to all those employees and members.
The approach of Ontario Basketball is to reflect on our past, learn and take equitable actions to introduce opportunities to play and engage with the OBA with a more balanced approach.
1. Gender Equity:
a) Ensuring that everyone has access to a full range of opportunities to achieve the social, psychological and physical benefits that come from participating and leading in sport and physical activity;
b) Providing everyone with a full range of activity, program and leadership choices that meet their needs, interests and experiences; and
c) Examining organizational practices and policies to ensure they do not hinder participation or leadership based on gender.
2. Gender Equity does not require:
a) Making the same programs, education, training, resources and facilities available to all individuals. Some may be the same as those offered to one gender, some may be altered, and some may be altogether different to satisfy the requirements for equity.
Gender equity is the belief and practice of treating all genders in ways that are fair and just. Equity includes treating some people differently, to take into consideration some people’s particular needs and situations.
To achieve gender equity in the administration, policies and programs of Ontario Basketball (OBA).
Belief Statements
- Ontario Basketball believes that gender equity initiatives are positive attempts to attract and include participation of all genders at all levels of the sport.
- OBA believes that an effective education program is a cornerstone for the achievement of gender equity in basketball.
- Ontario Basketball representatives at external meetings shall act in accordance with the principles of gender equity as set out in this policy. Ontario Basketball shall strive for gender diversity on its delegations to external forums and conferences.
- OBA shall play a positive role in raising the awareness and understanding of gender equity amongst its membership.
- OBA shall take strong and clear initiatives to encourage participation of all genders at all levels of the sport.
- Ontario Basketball shall ensure that gender equity is followed when developing, updating or delivering Ontario Basketball programs, policies and materials.
- Ontario Basketball shall strive to establish gender equity on its Board of Directors and its delegates to external meetings.
- OBA shall encourage all affiliated agencies to ensure equal opportunities for all.
- Ontario Basketball shall strive to collect relevant gender-based statistics on an annual basis.
- OBA shall evaluate the disbursement of funds on a gender basis. Ensuring employees and members are neither disadvantaged nor denied access to programming on the basis of gender.
- Provide opportunities for leadership development and growth for girls and women.
- OBA pay scale will reflect equal pay for work of equal value for its employees
- All directors, officers and employees shall act in accordance with the gender equity policy.
Monitor/Complaint Process
If an employee or member believes that there has been a failure of the policy, the employee or member should follow the complaint procedures identified in the Ontario Basketball’s sexual harassment policy.
Reviewed September 15, 2021 by Ontario Basketball Board of Directors
Approved March 1997 by Ontario Basketball Board of Directors