OBA Welcomes Ryan Maguire

Ontario Basketball welcomes Ryan Maguire!

Ontario Basketball is pleased to announce that Ryan Maguire has joined the team as Senior Coordinator, MIS, Finance & Administration.

Ryan will be responsible for finance and accounting activities for the organization, and provide support for SmartSheet tracking and dashboards under the guidance of the Senior Director, Business & Finance. Learn more about Ryan below:

Describe your previous work experience?

I lived in Nunavut for almost 10 years, so the vast majority of my work experience is up there. I was the Secretary-Treasurer for the school board for five years, and then after that Manager of the local Public Housing Association for about a year and a half before leaving Nunavut. I did lots of other things up there before getting the Secretary-Treasurer position though; including substitute teaching, guarding prisoners at the local RCMP detachment (on my second night in Nunavut!) and even driving employees to and from the “nearby” mine, a seven or eight hour round-trip!

Why did you want to work for Ontario Basketball?

One year when I was up north, my community hosted the Territorial U18 basketball tournament. We decided to put in what essentially amounted to a “B Team” of all the kids who were not chosen for the “A Team” because since we were hosting the tournament, it cost nothing to put in a second team and we wanted to give them an extra year of coaching. I have played sports all my life but that was my first taste of coaching and I found it so fulfilling. After that  I volunteered with Basketball Nunavut and later Wrestling Nunavut and it really opened my eyes to the role that a TSO/PSO plays in sports.

What are you most looking forward to about working at OBA / in basketball?

Everything! Just being immersed in something that I love with like-minded people. Of course due to COVID related challenges I haven’t met everyone but it seems like a really great team so far.

A little bit about yourself (college/university you went to, favourite sports team, hobby, etc.)?

I went to Seneca College for Radio & Television Broadcasting (all behind the camera stuff, I have a face for radio :P) and it was actually there in my Budgeting course that I realized that you can use numbers and math for planning and information, not just to split restaurant bills with your friends. I really like to read; these days it’s mostly non-fiction or books about sociology and philosophy, but I will read anything by Bill Bryson or Stephen King. I also love music. I’ve been collecting vinyl since I was a teenager and I have a massive record collection – into the thousands of records. Since getting back fron Nunavut, I’ve been trying to get outdoors more and have been doing some backcountry trail hiking and camping as well. I have also developed a love of Formula 1 racing recently, and have been getting up before 6am on weekends to watch races! (not recommended).

Ryan’s first day with OBA was May 3rd. He can be reached by email at finance@basketball.on.ca and, when we return to the office, at (416) 477-8075 ext. 209.