Centre for Performance – Pre-Registration For Tryouts NOW OPEN
Centre for Performance (CP), Centre for Performance (CP) is a nationally established program designed to develop athletes for the purpose of competing at the international basketball level. The program revolves around the “hot house” approach, which focuses on athletes in the key years of their development.
The emphasis of CP is to train skills that athletes do not otherwise have the opportunity to develop. CP is not based on a competition model; rather it is a group of athletes training in pods across Ontario, for the common goal of getting better.
The CP program has gone through a restructure to ensure continued identification for provincial and national level athletes and increased synergy with Canada Basketball programming such as Targeted Athlete Strategy (TAS) and Jr. Academy. We are excited to launch CP, which will target athlete’s in Grade 7 and 8, and will work in alignment with Canada Basketball’s Jr. Academy.
Open tryout sessions will take place through the month of September. Tryouts will take place in various regions across the province. Click HERE to find a tryout closest to you.
To pre-register for the Centre for Performance tryouts, please fill out this form HERE.